alert  Temporary Visiting Restrictions in Place Learn More

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A Safe Return to Care

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Monday, May 11, 2020
Visitation Plan
Screenings will take place at designated entrances to Union Hospital Terre Haute and Union Hospital Clinton. Outpatient surgery or procedures, and ER will be allowed 1 Visitor to accompany the patient. Inpatient Visitation will be limited to 2 distinct visitors for the entire stay. Doors will open at 5 a.m. to accommodate those patients having early surgery or procedures. Routine visitation hours are 11 a.m.-8 p.m.

The screening will look for the following:
  • new cough, shortness of breath, fever, chills, muscle pains, headache, sore throat, diarrhea, nausea, or new loss of taste or smell within the last 14 days             
  • Contact with someone with known or suspected COVID-19. 
  • Visitors that screen positive to any type of respiratory illness will be denied access. 
Once visitors pass through the entry screening, they are expected to receive a family armband. These armbands are printed from the electronic medical record. If the patient does not want the visitor to have the band with information on it, the visitor must leave the hospital. Visitors should be instructed to limit their movement within the facility.
All visitors will be given a cloth mask to wear at all times.
Visitors before entering the patients’ rooms should be provided with instructions on hand hygiene, limiting surfaces touched, and respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette. Any visitor that does not have a family armband on is not permitted to visit any patients and must be asked to leave.
For suspected or confirmed positive COVID-19 patients, NO visitors will be allowed in the room. 
All waiting rooms will have limited seating to accommodate social distancing.
Surgical Services
Union Terre Haute, Union Clinton, Wabash Valley Surgery Center and Union Heart & Vascular Institute

4/27/2020- Resume outpatient elective surgical, catheter lab procedures for patients that do not require an overnight stay.
5/4/2020 – Resuming elective asymptomatic patient cases
  1. All scheduled patients shall complete screening prior to being scheduled
  2. May 4th, start testing all elective and non-elective cases for COVID-19 in pre-testing clinic
  3. May 11th, COVID -19 test will be required for all patients undergoing anesthesia
  4. For all cases requiring intubation, the provider will wear an N95 mask, gown, and gloves. Only necessary staff in the room at the time of intubation
  5. Visitation limited to 1 for each outpatient procedure patient and 2 for each procedure that will result in an overnight hospital stay.   
  6. All waiting rooms will have limited seating to accommodate social distancing
Radiology Plan
Clara Fairbanks Center for Women
April 27th- Clara Fairbanks Center for Women reopens for annual screening exams and DEXA scans with a limited number of cases, with the goal of limited staff, patients, and decreased risk of exposure.
May 4th- Increase the number of exams pending the outcome of the prior week. Utilizing BOTH 3D rooms and patient’s being escorted directly back to their own private dressing room that will be sanitized after every patient.
May 11th- Increase the number of exams pending the outcome of the prior week. Possibly return to the Pre-COVID-19 schedule.   
Union Hospital Clinton
April 27th – CT, Mammography, and Ultrasound will stagger and utilize every other appointment time
May 4th – pending the outcome of the prior week, we will continue the same schedule as of April 27th.
May 11th - Increase the number of exams pending the outcome of the prior week. 
Union Hospital Terre Haute
May 1st – CT Lung Screening exams will re-start
Union Health Cafeteria

Union Medical Group Plan 
5/4/2020- Union Medical Group is relaxing the restriction of seeing only “Urgent” patient visits at our clinic locations.
5/11/2020 Increase the number of face to face visits pending the outcome of the prior week. 
  • Union Medical Group has attained an appropriate level of personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect providers, staff, and patients at clinic locations 
  • Alternate care delivery mechanisms are now in place (Virtual Visits) to reduce office “congestion”
  • Maintain 6’ distancing in waiting rooms and registration processes 
  • Referral “Hub” established at Convenient Care for patients with respiratory symptoms; this enables clinics to re-direct patients presenting with symptoms
  • Ability to quickly enforce restrictions if necessary.  Triggers would be PPE levels return to “at-risk” and/or further government limitations
  • On-Site Patient Screening Plan
  • Patients and visitors required to be masked 
  • Patient temperature is taken upon arrival 
  • Patients who present with Respiratory Symptoms – Referred to Respiratory Clinic 

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