alert  Temporary Visiting Restrictions in Place Learn More

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lady w nurseNurse call button-

To call your nurse, simply push the nurse call button. Your nurse will be with you as soon as possible.


If the temperature in your room becomes uncomfortable, notify your nurse. For safety reasons, fans or heaters brought from home are not allowed.


Your address during your stay at Union Hospital is:

1606 North Seventh Street
Terre Haute, Indiana 47804

Your room number is not needed to send cards or flowers. Mail and flowers are delivered to patient rooms Monday through Friday. Mail received after your discharge will be forwarded to you. Outgoing cards and letters can be left at the nurses' station. Flowers are not permitted in Intensive Care units.


Vending boxes with area newspapers are located in the main entrance of Union Hospital East and West.

IN UnionTerraHauteCover 000Television-

Television viewing is provided at no charge. Your nurse will show you how to operate the TV. A guide for commercial stations is located in the middle of the patient handbook.

Click here to view Patient & Family Information and Television Guide.


For Local Calls, dial 9 then the complete number. For Long Distance calls, Dial 9+0 and the complete number using your calling card or credit card. Long distance calls cannot be billed to your hospital account. Calling cards are available in the Gift Shop. For calls within the hospital, dial only the four-digit extension.

Your Telephone Number-

Your nurse will write your direct telephone number on your in-room information board. If you do not find your direct number, call the hospital operator by dialing 0.

Meal Service-

Meals are made to order with our Room Service program. Every effort will be made to accommodate your food and beverage preferences based on your physician's diet order. Menus are available in your room. Please ask your nurse for assistance if you are not able to find the menu or cannot order for yourself. When you place your order, if you are on a special/restricted diet, our Room Service Associate will assist you with your meal selection. Guest meals are delivered at a charge of $7 per tray. A tray may include: 1 entree, 2 side dish selections, beverage and dessert. Guest meals need to be paid for with cash or check upon delivery of the tray.

  • Dial *5 or 5555 between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
  • Identify yourself to the Room Service Associate who will clarify your name, room  number and the diet ordered by your physician.
  • Place your order.

Living Will

Click here to download a copy of the Living Will & Life Prolongment Declaration.

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