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Frequently Asked Questions

Important Message Regarding Billing Transition


When do I have to pay my bill?

Payment is due 15 days after you receive the first statement.


Why did I receive a bill from both the hospital and the doctor?

The hospital and the doctors bill separately for their services.


Why am I being charged for this?

Please tell us the charge you have a question about, along with your account number.


Can you bill worker's compensation for my claim?

Yes. Please tell us that it is a Worker's Compensation Claim, and provide us with your complete insurance information. We can assist you with filing the claim.


Will you bill my primary insurance?

Yes, but you will need to provide us complete primary insurance information.


Will you bill my secondary insurance?

Yes, but you will need to provide us complete secondary insurance information.


When was my insurance billed?

To check status of insurance billing, please call:

  • Union Hospital Patient Account Services at 812.238.7621.
  • Union Medical Group Billing Center at 812.242.3155.


Why did my insurance deny the claim?

The most common reasons for denial of a claim:

  • The correct insurance information was not provided at the time of service.
  • You were not covered by your plan at the time of service. 
  • The service you received was not covered under your plan. 
  • The service you received was from a physician outside your plan's network 


Why am I receiving a refund check?

There was an overpayment to your account. Either you paid too much on the account and/or your insurance paid at a later date and covered some of what you already paid.


Why am I getting another bill when I already paid?

The statement may have been mailed before the payment was posted to your account.

If you receive a bill that you believe has already been paid, please call:

  • Union Hospital Patient Account Services at 812.238.7621.
  • Union Medical Group Billing Center at 812.242.3155.

Please provide your account number if available, your name, date of service, and your date of birth, and we will verify that the bill was paid.


What is this balance for?

We will need your account number and the name to provide you with an answer.


Can you fax me my bill at work?

No. For confidentiality reasons, itemized bills cannot be faxed to your workplace. You may come into the hospital to the Customer Service office and pick up your itemized bill or we can mail it to you.


Why is this billed as an outpatient service when I spent the night in the hospital?

For an account to be billed as an inpatient service, there must be a physician order. The physician who ordered your services determined that your condition did not meet the requirement for an inpatient admission. The physician's written order dictates whether we bill as an inpatient or outpatient.


Will you send me an itemized bill?

Yes. Please provide your account number if available, your name, when you were in the hospital, your date of birth and correct mailing address.


Who should I call to obtain a price estimate for a certain hospital procedure?

For Union Hospital and UMG Clinic cost estimates, please call 812.238.7895, Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Standard charges, as part of the hospital chargemaster, are available on the "Online Estimate" page.

To compare pricing of common procedures among Indiana hospitals, please visit the mycareINsight website at the following link:  This website was created by the Indiana Hospital Association to inform health care consumers about various aspects of pricing as well as quality information.


Is Financial Assistance available?

Yes. Union Health proudly serves all patients regardless of their ability to pay. Discounts for essential services are offered based on household size and income. For more information, please click here or contact the Public Benefits Office for assistance: 812.242.3475 or 812.238.4584.


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