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The modern maternity facilities at Union Hospital in Terre Haute lead the Wabash Valley and help ensure that we are prepared for every type of delivery. Our state-of-the-art facilities include:

  • 8 Labor and Delivery Rooms
  • 2 Operating Suites
  • 9-bed Obstetric Emergency Room
  • 15-bed, Level III NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit)


Obstetric Emergency Department (OB-ED)

Union Hospital provides a 24-hour OB Emergency Department (OBED) for women experiencing pregnancy-related complications. Our 9-bed OBED is staffed with Board Certified OB/GYNs 365 days a year and provides a dedicated space to provide care for pregnancy-related emergencies.

Level 3 NICU

Union Hospital's 15-bed NICU is the largest and provides the most advanced care within a 70-mile radius. Our NICU's state-of-the-art equipment is specially designed to care for critically ill and premature infants.

Healthier, together.

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    A Prediabetic Plan Includes a Heart-Healthy Diet
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    Psoas Muscle Pain: What It Is and How to Treat It
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    Strain vs. Sprain: Do You Know the Difference?
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    Teaming Up to Bring Smiles and Comfort