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A Safe Sleep Environment for Your Baby is as Easy as ABC

A Safe Sleep Environment for Your Baby is as Easy as ABC
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Providing a safe sleep environment for your baby is as easy as A, B, and C. Even still, about 2,300 babies in the United States die of Sudden Unexpected Infant Death Syndrome, or SUIDS, each year. In fact, SUIDS is the leading cause of death in babies aged one month to one year.

By definition, SUIDS is the sudden and unexplained death of a baby - younger than one-year-old. A diagnosis of SUIDS is made if the baby's death remains unexplained, even after a death scene investigation, an autopsy, and a review of the clinical history.

What are the ABCs of safe sleep?

A: ALONE – Babies should always sleep alone, not in an adult bed, couch or chair. Share the room, not the bed.

B: BACK – Babies should always sleep on their backs because they are less likely to choke than when they are on their stomachs.

C: CRIB – An empty crib with a firm mattress and tight-fitted sheet is safest. Bumper pads, pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals should not be in the crib as they may cause babies to suffocate or strangle themselves. Save your money, and keep the crib clean and clear.

"Promoting and practicing the ABCs of safe sleep is vital to reducing infant mortality in our community," Kristen Moore, Director of Maternal Child Services, said. "All babies should sleep Alone, on their Back, and in a Crib, in order to reduce the risk of sudden unexpected infant death syndrome (SUIDS). Union Hospital is a Gold Certified Safe Sleep Champion through Cribs for Kids®, and our entire staff endorses and models safe sleep practices for newborns. We encourage our patients, their families and friends, and our entire community to practice safe sleep in order to reduce these preventable infant deaths."

So, you've mastered your ABCs! Your baby is sleeping alone, on his/her back, and in an empty crib – now what? There are other precautionary measures you can take to ensure your baby is sleeping as safely as possible.

Does your baby sleep with a pacifier? If not, try it! Don't force your baby to use it, but pacifiers reduce the risk of SUIDS. Be sure not to attach the pacifier to anything, such as clothing, a stuffed toy, or a blanket, as that carries a risk of suffocation, choking, or strangulation.

Do not use sleep positioners. Although this refers back to a clean crib, it's important to reiterate. These "anti-roll" products can cause suffocation and ultimately lead to death.

Do not let your baby get too hot. Dress your baby appropriately for the environment and do not over bundle. It may sound simple enough but remember that crib is empty – so no blankets! Keep your baby's face and head uncovered during sleep.

Always remember to Play it Safe!
This important safety message is brought to you by your Union Hospital Emergency Trauma Team.

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