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Map the Cause of Knee Pain to Know Which Area of the Knee Is Affected

Map the Cause of Knee Pain to Know Which Area of the Knee Is Affected
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Knee pain may only affect the front or back of your knee cap. Learn how to identify the cause of knee pain based on which parts are hurting.

Map the Cause of Knee Pain to Know Which Area of the Knee Is Affected

If you've ever experienced intense knee pain, you may have wondered about its cause or why it might have affected only one area of your knee. While certain conditions like osteoarthritis may affect the entire knee joint, you can also feel pain or swelling in a certain part of your knee, such as the tendons or kneecap.

Knee pain comes in many different forms, including inner knee pain and outside knee pain. To help identify the cause of your knee pain, think about which part of your knee is hurting. Learn how to map your knee pain so that you will have a better understanding of its cause and treatment options, from at-home care to joint replacement surgery.

What Is the Pain in Front of or Behind My Knee?

If you feel intense front-of-knee pain, you might have patellofemoral pain syndrome, which has several different causes, including:

  • Overuse. Overuse injuries occur due to repetitive activities, such as bending the knee while running, or too much stress placed on a join over time.
  • Patellar misalignment. It is possible that your legs may be misaligned with your hips and ankles, which can cause front-of-knee pain. You may also have imbalances in the muscles surrounding your knee and the rest of your legs.
  • Trauma. Injuries you may have suffered due to trauma can lead to patellofemoral pain syndrome.

Sometimes, patellofemoral pain syndrome can also cause pain behind the kneecap. Especially common in children and young adults, the condition can cause you to feel pain while walking up and down stairs or performing other daily activities. If you are an athlete, you might be more likely to experience this type of pain, as running, cycling and flexing can all cause pain behind your kneecap.

Pain Under or Inside the Knee

Young people are often affected by Osgood-Schlatter's disease. This condition causes inflammation below the knee, where the kneecap tendon connects to the shinbone. This inflammation results in a swollen lump that causes pain under the kneecap. Children may experience this pain when they are going through a growth spurt or playing a sport that puts stress on their muscles.

If you experience a painful tearing sensation inside or around your knee, you may be dealing with tendinitis. This condition usually occurs when you injure your knee somehow, which may result in joint pain and stiffness. To relieve symptoms of tendinitis, it is important to stay off your knee as much as possible and not overwork yourself.

How Can I Treat My Knee Pain?

If you've been experiencing knee pain, you may be wondering what you can do to treat your symptoms. Fortunately, you have at-home remedies at your disposal.

To help heal your knee pain, you can:

  • Avoid putting too much strain or pressure on your knee.
  • Avoid lifting heavy objects.
  • Lead with the leg that doesn't hurt when you walk upstairs.
  • Prop your knee up and rest it as much as possible.
  • Treat pain with an ice pack or heating pad.
  • Try gentle exercises to strengthen your knee and the muscles around it.

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