Spending time in and around water is a popular pastime, no matter what age you are. But, being around water also comes with its share of risks. With that in mind, risks should never be taken around water.
Drowning is a leading cause of death for children in the United States. In fact, studies show that children account for one out of four drowning deaths every year. For every child that does drown, five more are treated in the emergency for near drownings. Those near drownings can lead to life-long impairments such as brain damage, memory problems, learning disabilities and even permanent loss of basic functioning skills.
If you have a swimming pool, lake or other form of water on your property – make you educate yourself on swimming and water safety. Afterall, a child can drown in as little as an inch of water, like puddles, bathtubs or buckets.
Some common safety tips are:
• Never swim alone.
• Water wings and toys do not qualify as life jackets.
• Supervise children when they're in the water.
• Stay out of the water when you're very tired, cold or overheated.
• Learn CPR.
• Make sure the body of water matches your skill level. Swimming in a pool is much different than swimming in a lake, river or ocean where more strength is needed to handle currents.
And, remember to always Play it Safe.