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Common Heart Rhythm Disorders: Symptoms And Treatment

Common Heart Rhythm Disorders: Symptoms And Treatment
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A healthy heart beats at the right speed and the right rhythm. If your heart’s electrical system malfunctions, your heart may beat irregularly, too fast or too slow. This is known as a heart rhythm disorder or arrhythmia. Left unmanaged, arrhythmias can prevent blood from reaching your other organs, causing a variety of potential problems.

Arrhythmias are more common among older adults, people who smoke or use illegal drug and those with a family history of irregular heartbeat. However, abnormal heart rhythms can affect anyone. Recognizing the problem allows you to seek timely medical attention.

Common Heart Rhythm Disorders

While all heart rhythm disorders affect your heart’s blood-pumping ability, symptoms vary. Common arrhythmias you may experience include: ? Atrial fibrillation (AFib). AFib affects more Americans than any other arrhythmia, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Symptoms include fluttering in the chest, a fast heart rate, anxiety, dizziness and confusion.

? Atrial flutter. Your heart sends electrical signals too quickly, and the upper chambers of the heart (atria) try to keep up. As a result, your heart beats abnormally fast or hard or at an erratic pace. Atrial flutter can cause a variety of symptoms, including fainting and stroke.

? Premature ventricular contractions. The wrong part of the heart signals your heart to beat, causing a pause between heartbeats. This causes you to feel that your heart skipped a beat. You may also experience shortness of breath, a pounding heart or anxiety.

? Sick sinus syndrome. Scarring in the heart muscle causes the heart’s natural pacemaker – the sinus node – to malfunction. Your heartbeat may slow down (bradycardia), speed up or pause (sinus pauses). When symptoms arise, they include chest pain, shortness of breath and lightheadedness.

Can an Irregular Heartbeat Be Cured?

If you suspect you have a heart rhythm disorder, take heart. Many arrhythmias require no treatment, but they should be diagnosed. To find out if you need to treat your heart issue, talk with your primary care provider or cardiologist.

A stress test, Holter monitor or other screening can help detect the cause of your heart issue. Depending on your diagnosis, your provider can help improve your heart rhythm with one of the following:

? Ablation. An electrophysiologist examines your heart’s electrical system to detect the root of your arrhythmia. Working through a tiny, flexible tube (catheter), the heart specialist then destroys the area causing trouble. This prevents that area from sending abnormal electrical impulses and causing unusual heart speed or rhythm.

? Implanted device. A pacemaker keeps your heart beating normally, and an implantable cardioverter defibrillator shocks your heart back into rhythm. A cardiologist or other heart and vascular expert may implant one to help your heart beat at the right pace and rhythm.

? Medication. Beta blockers, sodium channel blockers and other medications help slow a rapid heartbeat. Atropine can help speed up a dangerously slow heart in an emergency.

Want some help keeping your heart strong, healthy and on beat? The experts at Union Health are ready to lend a hand to your heart. Find a provider today.

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