Are you at Risk for Developing Osteoporosis?
1. Are you post-menopausal or had early induced menopause? Yes No
2. Have you had a fracture of the hip, vertebrae or wrist? Yes No
3. Are you thin or small-framed? Yes No
4. Have you been taking high doses or prolonged use of steroids (such as Prednisone or Hydrocortisone) for asthma, arthritis or other diseases? Yes No
5. Have you been taking high doses of thyroid or anti-seizure medication (such as Depakote or Dilantin)? Yes No
6. Do you smoke or drink alcohol excessively? Yes No
7. Do you have a family history of osteoporosis or have a female member of your immediate family who has broken a bone as an adult? Yes No
8. Are you physically inactive? Yes No
If you answered yes to one or more of the above, you are at risk for osteoporosis. There are also other risk factors that are less common.