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Screening and Testing

Newborn Screenings

Union Medical Group – Audiology administers newborn hearing screenings to identify newborns who are likely to have hearing loss. We also receive referrals from area hospitals when babies fail a newborn hearing screening. Union Medical Group is the only provider in the area that provides follow-up testing. Newborn screenings were implemented in the State of Indiana because children were not getting diagnosed until there were two to four years of age and often after they developed speech problems. When hearing problems are discovered late, children can miss out on the early, critical years of learning and speech development.

Pediatric Hearing Testing

Union Medical Group – Audiology is the only pediatric audiologist in the area. We receive a high number of referrals from Wabash Valley schools when children do not pass his/her hearing tests. Once a problem is identified, our audiologists determine the best method of treatment.

Adult Hearing Testing

The highest percentage of hearing loss in adults is sensorineural hearing loss or SNHL. This is permanent damage to the inner ear or the nerve from the ear to the brain. Our hearing ages over time. Typically, hearing loss in adults appears in the high-frequency range first, which can cause problems in understanding speech. Sounds that don’t have a lot of energy behind them can be difficult to hear in conversations. Consequently, people may hear vowels, but not consonants. This can worsen when people are exposed to a lot of noise and do not use ear protection. Treatment can help, but this condition cannot be cured.

Balance Testing

Videonystagmography, or VNG, is a diagnostic test used to determine the cause of dizziness. This test assesses different aspects of the balance system to determine if the symptoms are related to a problem with the inner ear or if it may be related to another condition.

Preventative Tips

When you are exposed to any type of noise, you should use ear protection. Noise exposure over time can cause problems and is accumulative. Additionally, some medicines may also affect your hearing or cause dizziness. Individuals should check to see if there are any correlations to the medicines prescribed regarding dizziness.

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