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Patient Info

Welcome to Union Hospital's IV Therapy. This area has been designed to treat patients that require an infusion without hospitalization. A registered nurse is available daily 7:00am-5:30pm.


It is important to keep your scheduled appointment. If you may be late or need to reschedule your appointment, please  call 812.238.7224.

First Day of Treatment

The first day of your treatment may involve wait time. The nurse will work with you to complete a short stay assessment, and the pharmacy will need to dose your medication order.

Home Medications

You will need to take your required home medications or pain medications prior to coming for your scheduled treatment. The infusion nurse will not be able to address home medications while you are receiving your IV therapy.

Snacks and Dining

Patients are welcome to bring a snack or drink to their appointment. Patients and patient families may also purchase snacks or drinks from an on-site vending area or a guest tray for delivery from the Union Station Café.

Friends and Family

If you have a friend or family member accompanying you during your treatment they are welcome to stay, but they may be asked to wait in the waiting area. If the patient is unable of  transporting themselves to and from infusion rooms, a friend or family member will need to assist.

Healthier, together.

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