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Is Palliative Care Right for You?

If you or a loved one can answer yes to any of the following, please speak to your doctor and ask for a palliative care consult.

  1. Do you or your loved one have a serious illness like cancer, kidney failure, COPD, congestive heart failure, Parkinson’s Disease or Alzheimer’s Disease?
  2. Have illness symptoms like shortness of breath, pain, fatigue, anxiety, depression, nausea or constipation been preventing activities?
  3. Have there been difficult side effects from the treatment of the disease?
  4. Has there been more than three hospitalizations or emergency room visits in the past year or hospitalizations occurring less than 30 days apart?
  5. Is help needed with:
    • Knowing what to expect?
    • Discovering new resources?
    • Making medical decisions about treatment options?
    • Making goals and values that are maintained during medical treatments?
    • Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of treatments and surgeries?
  6. Is emotional, social, or spiritual assistance needed?
  7. Is assistance needed to discuss what is important both now and in the future?

Healthier, together.

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