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Supporting Your Loved One

These tips should assist those of you attempting to help a loved one quit smoking:

• While your loved one is in the hospital. Head home throw out the ashtrays, lighters, and cigarettes. Don't forget about the car!

• Air out the house and car. Sweep, Dust, Febreze, Wash Curtains, Clothes, and Bedding. Try to make their environment free of the smell of smoke, making the urge to smoke from smell less tempting.

• Be there when I need a hug, but don't be hurt when I push you away.

• If I tell you to leave me alone, give me space, but don't go too far...I need to know you are near no matter what the nicotine says.

• Don't try to argue with me when I start to rationalize...silence is a more powerful message.

• Avoid the topic of cigarettes (because I'm trying to get them off my mind), unless I bring it up first.

• Do the best you can to act as if everything is normal. The more "normal" you act, the faster I will get there.

• Consciously avoid putting me into situations where I will be in the presence of smokers. This may mean avoiding favorite restaurants or bars, or hanging out with certain friends for awhile. Don't plan long road trips for the next couple of weeks if I usually smoke in the car.

• Consciously avoid letting me get into stressful situations...if something stressful can be put off for a couple of weeks, please try to do so. If not, please try to cushion me.

• If you smoke, be considerate. Don't offer them cigarettes. Don't leave full ashtrays lying about, and smoke away from your friend so you don't make things harder for them.

• Tell me I am strong. Tell me you are proud of me. But also, tell me you will be there no matter

• Send them a card on their quitting day to wish them good luck.

• Make up a quitter's "survival kit." It could include sugar-free gum, low-calorie snacks like carrots and fruit, and maybe even a treat (like tickets to the movies for the end of the first day).

• Plan activities that avoid the temptation to smoke - perhaps swimming or going to the movies. The more they can get used to socializing without smoking the easier it will become to separate smoking from old habits.

• Plan a shopping trip after a week or two so your friend can buy something special with the money saved by not smoking.

Healthier, together.

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