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U Thrive Portal
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Frequently Asked Questions

What will I see when I visit My Union Health Portal on or after November 11, 2021?

A new portal log-in page with SIGN UP option for pre-existing My Union Health Portal users.

If I already had access to My Union Health Portal, will I be able to use my existing account to access the new portal on or after November 11, 2021?

No, you must create a new account.

Will I automatically receive an invitation in my email inbox to create a new portal account?

No, you must visit Union Health, or a Union Health provider on or after 11/11/2021, to receive an invitation. If you previously had a portal account, you may also self-enroll using your email address.

How do I create an account for My Union Health Portal?

If you previously had an account for My Union Health Portal, click the SIGN UP button on the new portal login page and you will be redirected to a Self-Enrollment page. Complete the form using the same email address you used for the previous portal.
You may also visit your provider and they will send an invitation to you to set up your portal account.

What if I never had an account for My Union Health Portal?

New users must visit Union Health, or their Union Health provider, on or after 11/11/2021 for an invitation to set up the portal.

Can I still access my health records in the new My Union Health Portal?

You can access your new health record in the new portal.  Some health information will be migrated from the old health record to the new health record, so, you may see some of the migrated health information. Each time you visit your health providers, your new health record will be updated.

What do I do if the health records I need are not in the new My Union Health Portal?

Contact Union Health Release of Information at 812.238.7648

Can I still access the old My Union Health Portal on or after November 11, 2021?

No, the old portal site was redirected to the new portal site on 11/11/2021 at 12 a.m. and there is no longer access to the old site. 

How do I know if my provider received the last message I sent from the old portal?

General messaging and notifications were disabled in the old portal on the evening of 11/9/2021. This was to give providers time to address outstanding messages. Reach out to your provider if you feel you have an outstanding message they need to address.

Will I still be able to request medication refills in the new portal?

Yes, once you visit your provider and your new health record is updated, you can resume medication refill requests via My Union Health Portal.

How do I re-establish access to my dependent’s health records in the new My Union Health Portal?

You must re-establish as an authorized representative for the patient. This is done during registration at Union Health or at your provider’s office.

Who do I contact if I have more questions?

Call Union Helpdesk at 812.238.4911 for general questions regarding My Union Health Portal.

Healthier, together.

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