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Balance and Fall Prevention

At Union Hospital Outpatient Therapy our number one goal is to improve the quality of life for our patients by improving overall function. Many people suffer a decline in quality of life due to loss of balance and risk of falling.

Falls represent the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries among older adults and active youth. One out of three people age 65 and older will experience one or more falls per year. These falls may result in minor injuries, such as bumps or bruises, or be more severe and lead to fractures or even deaths.

Once a person falls, he/she may become fearful of falling again and then become less active. This can lead to loss of strength and decreased balance, which in turn leads to a loss of independence.

Our physical therapists can help break the cycle of falls. Patients can be seen for care after a fall, or for a balance screening if a fall risk is present. Each patient will be evaluated and a program will be established to meet the individual needs. Physical therapy can help to decrease the fall risk by improving balance, strength, and self-confidence.

A physician referral is necessary for treatment at any one of our convenient outpatient locations.

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