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Have you ever felt lost in the gym? Do you ever feel intimidated in the gym? Do you need someone to keep you accountable when it comes to working out? Are you constantly doing the same thing and never seeing results?

UFit is an eight-week program for Union Health employees to kick-start their health and fitness goals. This program is built to educate and encourage newcomers in the gym. This program is also for long-time gym members who aren't necessarily seeing results or want to learn more about how to structure an exercise routine. We want to teach you how to use gym equipment safely and effectively. We want to keep you accountable to yourself throughout your fitness journey. By the end of this program, it is our goal that you feel comfortable coming to the gym on your own CONSISTENTLY and know how to structure a workout on a day-to-day basis!

The Union Hospital Center for Fitness & Performance and Union Health Employee Health Department have collaborated to offer an all-inclusive program using evidence-based research and Biometric Tracking to offer a tailored approach to each individual within the UFit group.

Participants will have multiple health assessments before, during, and after the program to show concrete results of their hard work. Each participant will work one-on-one with a Certified Personal Trainer twice a week. Your trainer will discuss with you, your nutritional habits and lifestyle changes necessary for lasting success. Are you ready to change your routine? Are you ready to see results from your workouts?


  • BMI of 25 or higher
  • HSA will cover your membership for eight weeks as long as you make it to each session.
  • Automatic enrollment in Fitness Center Membership Payroll Deduction after the program is complete.


  • Twice, weekly guided workouts with a trainer for eight weeks.
  • Once, weekly tailored workout for you to complete on your own.
  • Nutritional advice and dietary guidelines.
  • Check-ins weekly and access to a personal trainer.
  • Free t-shirt and water bottle.

Sign up by contacting Union Health Center for Fitness & Performance at

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