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Leave of Absence Policy

Prior to initiation of the residency, the resident will be required to sign the official Residency Agreement contract. The following language is included in the contract regarding Leave of Absence, as it pertains to the PGY1 Pharmacy Resident:

Leaves of absence will be handled according to the Union Health Human Resource policy. The maximum amount of time granted to successfully complete the residency agreement will not exceed two months. Leaves of absence that require longer than two months will result in termination of the residency agreement.

A leave of absence of greater than 37 days will require the days to be made up in equal measure.

Examples of approved indications for leave of absence include, but are not limited to:

  • Family Medical Leave
  • Personal
  • Military

*All instances require formal approval from Human Resources and Residency Program Director

In cases where sick leave is for longer than 3 consecutive workdays, the employee MAY BE required to furnish satisfactory evidence of his/her need for sick leave by submitting a medical certificate from his/her personal physician. Sickness requiring leave time greater than 1 week during any non-longitudinal learning experience will need to be made up and may require extension of residency training as determined by the Program Director and RAC.

The resident must use Paid Time Off (PTO) hours during their leave of absence.  Once those hours are exhausted, the Leave of Absence will be unpaid.  Health benefits will be maintained during the leave as long as the employee pays their premium payments.