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Paternity Affidavit

Paternity means fatherhood. Establishing paternity gives your child a legal father. If you are not married and are going to need a paternity affidavit completed to add the father of the baby to the birth certificate you will need the following:

  • Both parents must be available at the same time to complete the Paternity Affidavit.
  • Both parents will need a valid driver's license or state-issued ID. NOT EXPIRED
  • Copies are NOT acceptable.
  • If either parent does not have a valid ID, the father will not be able to be on the birth certificate at this time.
  • You will be able to make arrangements with the Vital Records Office at the Vigo County Government Offices to complete the Affidavit.

Birth Certificate will be available for pick up at the Vital Records Office in 2 weeks for $10 CASH. 

Vigo County Government Offices
Vital Records Vigo County Annex
171 Oak Street
Terre Haute, IN 47807


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