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Pelvic Health Workshops

Wondering if our Pelvic Health Workshops are right for you?
Review these frequently asked questions for more information.


Our next workshop is scheduled for: 
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
5:30 - 7:30 p.m. 

Union Hospital Terre Haute
East Building (Building 1)
Lower Level Atrium Conference Rooms A&B
1606 N 7th Street
Terre Haute, IN 47804

Q: Who should attend this workshop?
A: While the workshop is targeted toward first-time pregnant women, any person worrying about pelvic issues (whether they are experiencing symptoms or simply want to avoid them) is welcome to come and learn about pelvic floor dysfunction as well as have the opportunity to talk openly and freely with our pelvic therapists. This includes men and teens, but minors under 18 years must be accompanied by an adult or legal guardian. 

Q: Do I have to be a patient of Union Health OB/GYN or deliver at Union Hospital to participate?
A: Absolutely not! We have had participants from across the state come to hear this information and talk with us. All are welcome. 

Q: What is the cost of the workshop?
A: It is important to us that we offer this workshop at no cost to you. Our goal is not to make money from this event but to simply increase people's access to evidence-based information about pelvic dysfunction, which is an issue that many people suffer from but have difficulty discussing openly. We primarily want to take the taboo out of pelvic therapy and help people lead more healthy and satisfactory lives.

Q: Can my partner and child come?
A: We certainly do not want to create additional barriers that keep you from getting help and support. If bringing your partner and child allows you to come to the workshop, then please bring them with you. Many times, partners also have something to gain by hearing this knowledge and engaging in these discussions.

Q: What if I had my kids years ago?
A: Join us! Women over 35 years of age and those with a history of pregnancy have a higher risk of pelvic floor dysfunction. Most likely you will learn some strategies to manage symptoms or things to look out for. Also, if you choose to share your experience, this would be invaluable to new and expecting parents.

Q: What should I expect?
A: While our pelvic therapists have all the necessary training to evaluate and treat you, we won't be providing services during these workshops. We tailor our talks to our audience. If you're pregnant, we will educate you about pregnancy and delivery, focusing on the impact to the pelvic floor. If you aren't pregnant, we will discuss general healthy habits for pelvic function and symptoms of pelvic dysfunction to monitor and discuss with your doctor to obtain a referral. We will also discuss what exactly pelvic therapy is and what happens in a typical session. Consider this workshop more of a free consultation where you can get evidence-based answers to your questions and have the opportunity to learn honest information about pelvic health and dysfunction- not just tips and tricks from social media.

Q: I think I need one-on-one Pelvic Health Therapy. What do I do next?
A: If you're already sure you want a pelvic therapy evaluation- that's great! We'd love to see you! Contact your doctor (any doctor!) to obtain a referral for pelvic therapy and have them fax it to our outpatient PT's: Kendall Bruner, Lindsey Moore, or Lauren Sotiroff. Referral fax number: 812.242.3070

Healthier, together.

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